Back Pain? Try Chiropractic!

Pregnancy creates a great deal of strain on a woman’s body. It increases pressure on the spine, the feet, and the legs. This can all result in sometimes severe lower back pain during pregnancy. However, there are many methods for back and chronic pain relief during pregnancy. The following articles can help you manage back pain and pregnancy with exercise and other treatments.

Back Pain in Pregnancy

For pregnant women, back pain during pregnancy is not a trivial matter. If not addressed, pregnancy pain can have a negative impact on your daily lifestyle, from possibly causing missed time from work to making your delivery more difficult.

Back pain in the course of your pregnancy can create problems that will continue for an extended period after delivery.advertisement

Addressing Back Pain During Pregnancy

While it is fairly common, back pain during pregnancy should definitely not be accepted as just part of the process. To help make your pregnancy as pleasant as possible and facilitate an easier delivery, back pain should be always be addressed as quickly as possible and managed throughout your pregnancy.

Lower back pain in pregnancy that lasts a long time (several weeks or months) is a predictor for postpartum back pain (pain after birth). For this reason, pregnant women are encouraged to seek appropriate back pain treatment during pregnancy.

Likewise, any postpartum pain that lasts longer than six to eight weeks should be treated in order to avoid chronic back pain or recurring back problems following pregnancy.

Common Causes of Back Pain in Pregnancy

Both pregnancy pelvic pain and lower back pain may be caused by several factors related to changes that naturally occur in your body while pregnant, including:

  • Changes in weight and center of gravity
  • Muscular imbalances and fatigue
  • Hormonal surges.

Natural Causes of Back Pain during Pregnancy

Common changes due to pregnancy that can cause back pain include:

  1. Weight gain. Pregnancy can cause you to gain as much as a quarter of your body weight, adding stress to the back and other weight-bearing structures.
  2. Center of gravity changes during pregnancy. Secondary to weight gain, the weight is typically carried anterior (in the front) as well as posterior (behind). This change in your center of gravity creates:
    • Muscular imbalances. These imbalances create strain on weight-bearing structures in the body and are more problematic if superimposed on existing imbalances (such as muscle weakness and inflexibility).
    • Muscles that fatigue more quickly than usual. Muscle fatigue in turn often results in poor posture and/or makes poor posture even worse.
  1. Hormonal surges (relaxin and estrogen). Pregnancy-related hormones can cause problems by creating joint laxity, especially in the pelvis. These hormonal surges, along with the additional weight and change in center of gravity, contribute to decreased joint support.

Activities that Can Cause Back Pain during Pregnancy

Some or all of these factors can cause pregnancy pain in the lower back or posterior pelvis, especially with activities that create asymmetrical loading of the spine, pelvis, and hips. Common activities that load the spine in an uneven fashion include:

  • Walking and running
  • Rolling over in bed
  • Bending forward
  • Twisting
  • Lifting
  • Navigating stairs.

Exercise for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Eighty percent of women will experience back pain at some point during their pregnancies. The severity of this pain during pregnancy ranges from mild discomfort after standing for long periods of time to debilitating pain that interferes with daily life. Although back pain during pregnancy can be a sign of a more serious condition, including labor, in most cases, it is the result of changes happening within the body.

Factors that Influence Back Pain During Pregnancy

The spine is vulnerable due to the following factors during pregnancy:

  • Hormone production during pregnancy makes joints less stable (to allow the pelvis to spread as the baby grows)
  • Typical weight gain of 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, with the majority or extra weight distributed around the abdomen
  • Increase in postural strain as the body compensates for changes in the pregnant woman’s center of gravity

Although it may seem enticing to rest when experiencing pain and not undertake an exercise routine, gentle stretching and movement will often decrease muscle spasm and restore improved spinal function, resulting in decreased pain.1 Exercise also boosts energy levels and contributes to an easier labor, delivery and post partum recovery. The components of a balanced exercise program during pregnancy include cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training.

Cardiovascular Exercise for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Aerobic Exercises

Exercise Walking

Exercise BikesWater Therapy

An activity that increases the body’s heart rate for a sustained period of time is considered cardiovascular exercise. Walking, biking, and swimming are all considered safe for most pregnant women and can be performed for 20 to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week. Pregnant women should take care to exercise at a mild to moderate level, but not to the point of exhaustion. Keep in mind that any exercise is better than none, so even a 10 minute walk at lunch time is beneficial.

Treatments for Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

For patients experiencing back pain during pregnancy, chiropractic may provide effective pain relief with just a few simple treatments. For example:

  • Manipulation or adjustment of the pelvis has provided relief and restored function for 91% of patients studied.3

To assist the effect of this type of treatment, your chiropractor or medical provider may recommend:

  • Easy stretching exercise routines
  • A pelvic support belt.

Low Back Pain Relief after Pregnancy

Additionally, the pain usually subsides soon after delivery of the baby. Over the six-week period following delivery, the pelvic ligaments regain their rigidity and are better able to support normal weight bearing and motion during normal daily activities.

Importance of Treating Lower Back Pain

Remember, the good news is that appropriate treatment can help provide significant back pain relief during the pregnancy and, importantly, minimize the chances of having chronic back pain in the lower back after the pregnancy.

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